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Sidr Honey

Sidr Honey

Regular price 194 AED
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From the outskirts of the Upper Egyptian deserts .. from the lands of the historic Luxor Region, where the oldest honey production apiaries appeared in history. This honey is still produced with the same spirit to this day by the good Egyptian honey producers .. This premium "Sidr" natural and rural honey was harvested from the best quality apiaries, hand-packaged according to the highest international quality standards.

Category: All Products HONEY

SKU: 140102


Product Nutritional Facts

Typical Analysis for 100g (Approximate Values)

Energy: 322.8kcal

Protein: 0.48g

Carbohydrate: 81.67g

Sodium (Na): 4mg

Honey Sugar: 72.56g

Fructose: 37.6g

Sucrose: 0.8g

Fat: 0.19g

Cholesterol: 0mg

Iron: 3g

Calcium: 1g

Vitamin C: 1g

Vitamin A: 0g



No Added Sugar

No Preservatives


Product Classification

Product: Sidr Honey
Class: First
Grade: Premium
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